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MATCH MEC HD Audio USB Interface Module PP62DSP
German Car Audio
Hovedlager: 2
Vanlig pris
790,00 kr
inkl. mva
Delbetal med
på 3, 6, 12 måneder eller i ditt eget tempo.
- The HD-AUDIO USB-INTERFACE extends MATCH devices with a High Resolution Audio USB input and converts a PC or smartphone into a HD-Audio player.
- The direct digital signal transmission (without additional AD-DA conversion) from the music source to the DSP with up to 192 kHz / 32 Bit allows lossless audio processing and thus assures perfect sound quality.
- The module will be delivered with a device-specific side panel are part of the price.
- USB Interface for Windows, macOS, iOS and Android devices
- Lossless HD-audio transmission up to 192 kHz / 32 Bit
- Direct digital signal transmission to DSP for lossless audio processing
- Asynchronous USB connection with own clock generators for highest jitter immunity
- Automatic signal detection
- Device-specific side panel included in delivery
- Note: The HD-AUDIO USB-INTERFACE has two operating modes.
- Full Speed Mode (default): Highest compatibility with all Android, iOS, macOS and Windows devices. Supports sample rates up to 96 kHz / 32 Bit. No driver installation necessary.
- High Speed Mode: Compatible with most of all Android (> Version 6), iOS, macOS and Windows devices. Supports sample rates up to 192 kHz / 32 Bit. An additional driver installation for Windows devices is necessary to use sampling rates higher than 96 kHz / 32 Bit.
- Note: No connection wires included. A MiniUSB wire is needed for most configurations. For Android devices an additional MicroUSB OTG cable is required. For Apple devices an additional Camera Connection kit or a Lightning to USB cable is required.
- Attention: The HD-AUDIO USB-INTERFACE does not support charging.
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