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Snakk med SB ChatBotGround Zero GZRC 165.3SQ
Radioactive komponentsystem 150/300W
Hovedlager: 2
Vanlig pris
3.590,00 kr
inkl. mva
Delbetal med
på 3, 6, 12 måneder eller i ditt eget tempo.
- Ground Zero Radioactive SQ lineup is designed and produced for one goal only. Best possible sound quality in the price class. Designed using Klippel optimization with all drivers. These speakers work exceptionally well in typical OEM locations. Woofer is optimized for door installation. Woofer has aluminium cone and rubber surround. Lower 3 ohm impedanze takes out more power from your amp or head unit than regular 4 ohm. Tweeter has a silk dome. Crossovers have 3 step level adjustment and HP frequency adjustment for tweeter. Available as 2-way and 3-way separates and separate tweeters, midranges and woofers.
- 3-Way Sound Quality speaker system with variable crossover frequency, 3 ohm impedance and 25mm silk dome tweeter
- High quality 3-way SQ component system
- Klippel® optimized midwoofer with aluminum cone
- Nomex spider / rubber surround
- Copper cap for impedance linearizing
- Resonance free steel basket
- 3.15" SQ midrange with aluminum cone
- Neodymium motor / compound basket
- 1" SQ silk dome tweeter with mounting accessories
- Vented neodymium motor
- 12 dB/oct. crossover with level adjustment (not for ACT version)
- 230 watt max. / 150 watt rms
- 3 Ohms
- Brukermanual PDF
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