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Snakk med SB ChatBotGround Zero GZHP 10-IE
VEGA series digital bass enhancer, 9.5V trigger out
Hovedlager: 2
Vanlig pris
360,00 kr
inkl. mva
Delbetal med
på 3, 6, 12 måneder eller i ditt eget tempo.
- - Øreplugg av massivt metal og med kraftig bass i kjent Ground Zero stil
- - Kraftig magnet av neodynium
- - Inklusiv mikrofon og fjernbetjening til smart telefon
- - Kabellengde 1,20 Meter
- - Fleksibel, flat kabel
- - 3,5 mm Stereo tilkobling
- - Inkludert 3 par silikonputer (S,M,L)
- - Bæreveske
- Følsomhet: 98 ± 3dB @ 1 KHz
- Frekvensrespons: 20 Hz-20 KHz
- Impedans: 32 Ohm
- Brukermanual PDF
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- Ground Zero gets even closer to your ear
- First GZ Headphones to be launched in Autumn 2014
- Following the trend of enjoying music using mobile devices and even more answering the requests and wishes of countless Ground Zero fans around the world, GZ will belaunching two very first headphones by Autumn this year.
- Using Ground Zero´s intense audio knowledge and high tech measurement and testing equipment, two very powerful but affordable products could be developed: One premium In-Ear model (ear-bud) as well as a foldable On-Ear Model. Both are optimisedin their Bass performance and focusing Ground Zero´s sound characteristics and quality approach.
- The in-earmodel will be called “GZHP 9-IE”. Added to its massive metal housing are several soft sleeves to allow the individualisation to different ear sizes and thus guarantee perfect noise blocking. It´s highly flexible and flat yellow cable facilitates a trimly storage in the black soft pouch, which comes with yellow Ground Zero Logo. The GZHP 9-IE is using a powerful neodymium magnet in combination with the 9 mm / 0.35” high efficient wide band driver realise a frequency response from 18 Hz up to 22 kHz. With 98 dB sensitivity and 32 Ohm impedance, a powerful performance is always guaranteed, even with European standard mobile devices.
- Both of the new GZ head phones are equipped with an integrated microphone and control button, allowing phone call pick up and hang up, music play, pause and skip.They will arrive to their new users in a high quality packaging.
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