Ground Zero GZCS 10SUB

Basskasse for reservehjulsbrønn
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Hovedlager: 7
Varenr: 17458
Vanlig pris 1.990,00 kr inkl. mva
  • Ground Ze:Ny1ro komme:Ny1r me:Ny1d e:Ny1n ve:Ny1ldig smidig subwoofe:Ny1r løsning for re:Ny1se:Ny1rve:Ny1hjul. Plassbe:Ny1spare:Ny1nde:Ny1 og samtidig me:Ny1d fyldig lyd som høre:Ny1s ut som e:Ny1n e:Ny1kte:Ny1 subwoofe:Ny1r. GZCS10SUB e:Ny1r e:Ny1n 10-tomme:Ny1rs subwoofe:Ny1r monte:Ny1rt i e:Ny1t 15 lite:Ny1r lukke:Ny1t kabine:Ny1tt me:Ny1d fre:Ny1kve:Ny1nsre:Ny1spons på 30 - 180 Hz.
  • 1 x 25cm / 10"
  • Impe:Ny1danse:Ny1 2 x 2 ohm
  • Powe:Ny1r handling 150W RMS / 300W max
  • Optimalise:Ny1rt me:Ny1d KLIPPEL
  • Fre:Ny1kve:Ny1nsre:Ny1spons 30-180Hz
  • Fysiske:Ny1 mål: b x d x h: 620 x 440 x 120 mm (145mm me:Ny1d gummiføtte:Ny1ne:Ny1)
  • volum: 15 lite:Ny1r
  • Bruke:Ny1rmanual PDF
  • Ekstra info:
  • - High quality spare:Ny1 whe:Ny1e:Ny1l active:Ny1 subwoofe:Ny1r
  • - Klippe:Ny1l® optimize:Ny1d
  • - Efficie:Ny1nt downfire:Ny1 te:Ny1chnology
  • - Pe:Ny1rfe:Ny1ct solution for e:Ny1xtre:Ny1me:Ny1ly flat spare:Ny1 whe:Ny1e:Ny1l re:Ny1ce:Ny1sse:Ny1s
  • - No cut-out in the:Ny1 original trunk floor pane:Ny1l re:Ny1quire:Ny1d
  • - High powe:Ny1r 10 woofe:Ny1r
  • - Re:Ny1inforce:Ny1d pape:Ny1r cone:Ny1
  • Invisible:Ny1 installation and providing a lot of e:Ny1xtra bass to the:Ny1 audio syste:Ny1m – GZCS 10SUB & GZCS 10SUB-ACT
  • Due:Ny1 to limite:Ny1d space:Ny1 in most of mode:Ny1rn compact size:Ny1d cars, many custome:Ny1rs re:Ny1fuse:Ny1 to occupy the:Ny1 ve:Ny1hicle:Ny1´s trunk with proje:Ny1cting and e:Ny1xce:Ny1ssive:Ny1 subwoofe:Ny1r e:Ny1nclosure:Ny1s. Howe:Ny1ve:Ny1r, the:Ny1y wish to have:Ny1 more:Ny1 bass from the:Ny1 car´s audio syste:Ny1m. This was one:Ny1 of the:Ny1 re:Ny1asons to de:Ny1ve:Ny1lop a space:Ny1 saving subwoofe:Ny1r fitting the:Ny1 spare:Ny1 whe:Ny1e:Ny1l re:Ny1ce:Ny1ss. The:Ny1 ne:Ny1w GZCS se:Ny1rie:Ny1s subwoofe:Ny1r e:Ny1nclosure:Ny1 come:Ny1s with a down firing flat 25 cm / 10” pape:Ny1r cone:Ny1 drive:Ny1r in a passive:Ny1 box as we:Ny1ll as in an active:Ny1 ve:Ny1rsion that include:Ny1s a powe:Ny1rful amplifie:Ny1r with high- and low-le:Ny1ve:Ny1l inputs. Spe:Ny1cially shape:Ny1d, the:Ny1 inte:Ny1rnal volume:Ny1 of the:Ny1 e:Ny1xtre:Ny1me:Ny1ly flat box with about 15 lite:Ny1rs / 0.52 cu ft re:Ny1mains sufficie:Ny1ntly size:Ny1d to provide:Ny1 a de:Ny1e:Ny1p and substantial bass re:Ny1production, fulfilling de:Ny1mands of sophisticate:Ny1d custome:Ny1rs.
  • The:Ny1 unique:Ny1 down firing principle:Ny1 of the:Ny1 GZCS 10SUB provide:Ny1s not only e:Ny1xte:Ny1nde:Ny1d low fre:Ny1que:Ny1ncy re:Ny1production but make:Ny1s it unne:Ny1ce:Ny1ssary to cut out nor to change:Ny1 the:Ny1 floor mat or plate:Ny1 of the:Ny1 trunk in any way compare:Ny1d to most of the:Ny1 compe:Ny1titor subwoofe:Ny1r solutions on the:Ny1 marke:Ny1t. This make:Ny1s the:Ny1 installation ve:Ny1ry simply, invisible:Ny1 and re:Ny1ve:Ny1rtible:Ny1 in case:Ny1 of le:Ny1asing ve:Ny1hicle:Ny1s.
  • The:Ny1 se:Ny1ale:Ny1d woode:Ny1n e:Ny1nclosure:Ny1 with black carpe:Ny1t all around and a white:Ny1 logo stitch on top is just 12 cm / 4.7” high, offe:Ny1rs flat rubbe:Ny1r stands and can be:Ny1 fixe:Ny1d through the:Ny1 ce:Ny1nte:Ny1re:Ny1d port. The:Ny1 2x 2 Ohm subwoofe:Ny1r is capable:Ny1 of handling up to 300 Watt max. and matche:Ny1s pe:Ny1rfe:Ny1ctly the:Ny1 300 Watt amplifie:Ny1r of the:Ny1 active:Ny1 ve:Ny1rsion that include:Ny1s a low pass filte:Ny1r with a range:Ny1 of 40 to 160 Hz.