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FOCAL ULTIMA - sluttsolgt!
165mm 2 veis kit med 2 stk ekstra 8" basser
Hovedlager: 0
Vanlig pris
85.000,00 kr
inkl. mva
Delbetal med
på 3, 6, 12 måneder eller i ditt eget tempo.
- Dette er et full aktivt kit med 2 diskanter, 2 stk 6,5” mellomtoner og 2 stk 8” basser.
- Settet blir levert i en meget stor eksklusiv kasse av tre.
- Diskant og mellomtone er identisk med de som står i Grande Utopia EM som koster ca 1,5 million NOK :
- http://www.focal.com/en/utopia-iii/184-grande-utopia-em-3544050698000.html
- http://www.stereophile.com/rmaf2008/101408focalbest/
- http://www.audio.de/testbericht/lautsprecher-focal-grande-utopia-em-319631.html
- Bassene er samme som i kanskje verdens beste studiomonitor, SM9:
- http://www.whathifi.com/review/focal-sm9
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- Design and engineered to be the Best !
- Unique sensation in the world to get the Grande UTOPIA in your car.
- A real midbass developped from the « grande » midrange associated to the Utopia III tweeter ….
- Incredible materials and all the best FOCAL technologies used on this kit are not the only highlights… more than a « product » it’s a real complete HIFI system….
- With a high air decompression from the power flower woofer the distorsion is reduced to the minimum and offers a high dynamic.
- From the low bass level to the very high frequencies, the listening pleasure is given by details and neutrality and high dynamic. Detailled soundstage, instrument separation, relief, precision like you never heard before. Competition using or pleasure to give the best to your car…
- Material & Performances homogeneity
- Black mat and red finishing
- Beryllium - Utopia Be technologies
- Laser engraving
- power handling
- Audiophile HIFI sound
- Handmade manufacturing, drivers hand pairing
- for the best installers in the world!
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- Amazing High frequencies!
- Grande UTOPIA IAL2 tweeter
- Beryllium¨dome
- 500Hz to 40KHz
- Low resonance frequency (lower than a TBE)
- Powerfull neodynum motor (Strong magnetic field)
- High decompression (Infinite acoustic load)
- Black Anodized Aluminum and laser engraved housing
- Sealed enclosure requested:0,3L(0,01cuft)
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- The smoothest midrange!
- Grande UTOPIA midrange adapted to become a real midbass
- Double layer Utopia Be cone (improvement of bass precision and climatic conditons)
- MulFferrite magnet (powerfull and better decompression)
- Open structure basket (More excursion = More dynamic)
- Black anodized aluminium ring for ultima signature
- 60Hz to 4,5KHz
- Sealed enclosure requested:30L (1 cu ft)
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- Incredible excursion & linearity at high SPL!
- SM9 - 8" subwoofer
- Double layer Utopia Be cone
- Dual magnet (powerfull, linearity and high excursion)
- High power handling
- Single voice coil (6Ohms)
- High SPL (90,2db)
- Ported enclosure requested:22,5l (0,79cu ft):F-3db=40Hz
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