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Snakk med SB ChatBotFOCAL PSB200
8" kompakt basskasse
Hovedlager: 1
Vanlig pris
2.490,00 kr
inkl. mva
Delbetal med
på 3, 6, 12 måneder eller i ditt eget tempo.
- The compact PSB-klasse measures less than 5 1/8" deep (13cm deep, with the grille) and therefore slides easily into a car boot. And its size is not the only great feature: it is also easy to use and delivers quality sound performance thanks to its 8" subwoofer that has 250 watts of power. Delivered with brackets, screws and a set of hook-and-loop fastener, PSB-klasse can be fixed in various locations in your vehicle and it perfectly completes a 2 or 3-way audio system while remaining discreet and delivering precise and dynamic bass.
- With this passive enclosure, discover the pleasure of all sound nuances during your drive.
- Easy to install
- Compact
- Protection grille included
- MDF structure, rigid enclosure
- Accessories: screws, brackets and adhesive strip
- 8" Basshøyttaler
- Impedanse 4 ohm
- 250W max - 150W RMS
- Fysiske mål (HxBxD): (303.6 x 124.8 x 489mm) (med grill)
- Nettovekt 7 kg
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