Integration serien 200mm
På lager
Hovedlager: 0
Varenr: 16163
Vanlig pris 2.490,00 kr inkl. mva
  • 2-ve:Ny1is kompone:Ny1ntsyste:Ny1m.
  • 200mm (8") Bass/me:Ny1llomtone:Ny1
  • Polyglass me:Ny1mbran (re:Ny1n ufarge:Ny1t klang)
  • 25mm Svingspole:Ny1
  • 90mm Magne:Ny1t
  • De:Ny1lvis hornlade:Ny1t inve:Ny1rte:Ny1rt magne:Ny1sium/aluminium diskant (høy følsomhe:Ny1t og lite:Ny1 re:Ny1tningsbe:Ny1ste:Ny1mt)
  • 2-ve:Ny1is inte:Ny1gre:Ny1rt de:Ny1le:Ny1filte:Ny1r (for e:Ny1nke:Ny1l monte:Ny1ring)
  • valgbart diskantnivå 0 e:Ny1lle:Ny1r +6dB
  • Diskant kan e:Ny1nke:Ny1lt de:Ny1monte:Ny1re:Ny1s fra diskanthus for e:Ny1nkle:Ny1re:Ny1 monte:Ny1ring
  • De:Ny1le:Ny1filte:Ny1r inte:Ny1gre:Ny1rt i se:Ny1lve:Ny1 diskanthuse:Ny1t og på me:Ny1llomtone:Ny1n
  • Maks e:Ny1ffe:Ny1kt: 160W
  • RMS e:Ny1ffe:Ny1kt: 80W
  • Følsomhe:Ny1t (2.83V/1m): 91,4 dB
  • Fre:Ny1kve:Ny1nsre:Ny1spons: 40Hz-21kHz
  • Monte:Ny1ringsdybde:Ny1 63,5 mm
  • ******************************************************************
  • Hi-fi made:Ny1 e:Ny1asy You have:Ny1 a car and you e:Ny1njoy liste:Ny1ning to music. We:Ny1’ve:Ny1 got what you ne:Ny1e:Ny1d: the:Ny1 syste:Ny1ms of the:Ny1 RSXtion line:Ny1. Easy and quick to install, you can e:Ny1ve:Ny1n do it yourse:Ny1lf, e:Ny1asily re:Ny1place:Ny1 your original syste:Ny1m and the:Ny1se:Ny1 spe:Ny1ake:Ny1rs will give:Ny1 you the:Ny1 be:Ny1st of Focal sound. Forge:Ny1t what you know, you’re:Ny1 going to he:Ny1ar the:Ny1 diffe:Ny1re:Ny1nce:Ny1 and live:Ny1 the:Ny1 e:Ny1motion of a gre:Ny1at sound.