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FOCAL IFP 207 Peugeot 207/307/308 Integration kit
RSXtion serien 165mm
Hovedlager: 2
Vanlig pris
3.990,00 kr
inkl. mva
Delbetal med
på 3, 6, 12 måneder eller i ditt eget tempo.
- Dedikert 2-veis komponentsystem for Peugeot 207 3/5 dørs CC/SW.
- Leveres komplett med brukermanual, video og verktøy for montering. Monteres på under 1 time
- This IFP 207 kit is also compatible with the Peugeot 307* and Peugeot 308 (in 3/5 doors CC/SW versions).
- * Important note: the speaker fixing in the Peugeot 307 is made inside the door trim. Acoustic insulation (such as FOCAL BAM) should be added to improve the result.
- Utviklet og produsert i Frankrike
- 165mm (6,5") Bass/mellomtone
- Polyglass membran (ren ufarget klang)
- Delvis hornladet invertert aluminium/magnesium diskant (høy følsomhet og lite retningsbestemt)
- Nominel impedans 2,6 ohm
- 25mm Svingspole
- 85mm Magnet
- 6/18dB/Oktav @ 4kHz delefilter
- Maks effekt: 140W
- RMS effekt: 70W
- Følsomhet (2.83V/1m): 92,7 dB
- Frekvensrespons: 70Hz-25kHz
- Videopresentasjon
- ********************************************************************************************
- How could we introduce an innovative, simple, efficient and perceptible method of delivering the best of sound? Our R&D engineers have studied the question and have found a solution: the first dedicated kit of the RSXtion line: the IFP 207 kit. This kit is made of 2-way component speakers (a pair of woofers and a pair of tweeters) dedicated, designed and made for one vehicle. A philosophy built on enjoyment respect and accessibility to extraordinary quality! This "plug and play" concept was made with regard to the original locations and the design created by the car manufacturer not only on the mechanic plan, but also on the acoustic plan (sound rendering improvement, taking into account the volumes and the inherent car interior restraints). After long months of studies, research, tests, validations and listening sessions, the IFP 207 is born at last and now stands in a new market that is totally oriented towards pleasure and simplicity.
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