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DD Audio VO-B4a
Digital Design SPL series
Hovedlager: 2
Vanlig pris
2.490,00 kr
inkl. mva
Delbetal med
på 3, 6, 12 måneder eller i ditt eget tempo.
- Power band: 50-150 W RMS
- Voice coil diameter: 38.6 mm
- Impedance: 4 ohm
- Frequency Response: 2k - 20kHz
- sensitivity: 108 dB
- Mounting Diameter: 50 mm
- Mounting Depth: 35 mm (motor depth), 51 mm (total height)
- Shipping Weight: 1 kg
- The VO-B4 is the follow up to the very popular VO-B3 super tweeter. When comparing the VO-B3 to the VO-B4, customers will notice increased frequency response, efficiency, and max power handling. This was accomplished by using a larger diaphragm and voice coupled to a stronger motor.
- The VO-B4 is truly a high-output, PA-Style, bullet tweeter designed for the mobile environment. The VO-B4’s custom CNC machined body and die-cast motor are designed to be as short as possible to allow for easy mounting in door panels and motorcycle applications.
- The B4’s horn body is designed to project a wider field of sound in close proximity when compared to similarly styled tweeters. Another unique feature of the VO-B4 is its dual mounting options. The installer has the option to flush mount with the trim bezel and back nut, or for more space-constrained installs it can be top mounted using the machined screw holes in the tweeter body.
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