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DD Audio VO-B1A
Digital Design SPL series
Hovedlager: 29
Vanlig pris
1.490,00 kr
inkl. mva
Delbetal med
på 3, 6, 12 måneder eller i ditt eget tempo.
- The B1a has the efficiency and output of a classic bullet tweeter with modern updates making it look and perform better than ever. The titanium diaphragm is driven with a high energy neodymium motor resulting in more output with less weight. The neo motor also allows for a more compact design that’s easier to install. A mesh grill and red anodized heat sink give the B1a a high end aesthetic with added diaphragm protection and improved voice coil heat dissipation, and a wide dispersion horn flare allows sound to fully develop sooner than standard pa bullet designs making it better suited for near field mobile applications.
- Driver Size - 25mm
- Power Band - Watts 50-100w
- Impedance 4ohm
- Frequency Response - 3.5k-22khz
- dBSPL 104
- Mounting diameter 59mm
- Mounting Depth - 38mm
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