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DD Audio LE-ST06D-D2
Digital Design Pick Up Truck box
Hovedlager: 4
Vanlig pris
2.090,00 kr
inkl. mva
Delbetal med
på 3, 6, 12 måneder eller i ditt eget tempo.
- For the LE enclosures, our goal was to build the smallest, best sounding enclosures possible. We used our DD Box system and built a small mountain of prototype boxes to determine the optimal size, tuning and port design. The resulting products are the perfect sub solutions when space is limited, but the listener still desires quality low bandwidth reproduction. The subwoofers used in the LE enclosures are built with highly durable parts that have been tuned specifically for these enclosures. In our testing, at their rated power, the LE enclosures outperformed similar products that used larger diameter drivers and larger boxes. The LE-ST06’s micro wedge design gives you the ability to fit big bass in the tiny spaces behind and under truck seats.
- Ultra Slim Wedge Profile for Behind Truck Seat Applications
- High Output Bass Reflex Design
- Carpeted with Embroidered DD Audio Logo
- Durable Metal Bar Grill
- Loaded with a 506d-A8 Subwoofer
- 38Hz Tuning
- Driver Size (Inches): 6.5
- Watts RMS: 250 - 500
- Subwoofer Voice Coil Diameter (Inches): 2
- Impedance: S1
- Dimensions (MM): 342.9 x 457.2 x 88.9 Top / 139.7 Base
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