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DD Audio EX5x7
Digital Design høyttalersett
Hovedlager: 1
Vanlig pris
990,00 kr
inkl. mva
Delbetal med
på 3, 6, 12 måneder eller i ditt eget tempo.
- Driver Size 5x7"
- Power Band 25-100 W
- Frequency Response 60Hz-20kHz
- Mounting Depth 63 mm
- The E Class Coaxial Speaker is perfect for the listener who wants to instantly take their system from factory to fantabulous. This 2-way set is designed for efficiency with features that deliver outstanding sound and value. Woofer: The woofer features an injection molded poly cone, rubber surround, and rigid steel frame. For reduced inductance, extended high-frequency roll off, and increased efficiency the voice coils features a double slit former and the motor utilizes a copper pole cap. The soft parts are driven with a high flux 11 Oz ferrite magnet motor. Tweeter: The 20 mm high-grade neodymium driven mylar dome tweeter is able to easily and cleanly reproduce the upper-frequency range needed to bring out the subtle details in your music.
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