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DD Audio DC6.5
Digital Design høyttalersett
Hovedlager: 6
Vanlig pris
1.590,00 kr
inkl. mva
Delbetal med
på 3, 6, 12 måneder eller i ditt eget tempo.
- 2-veis komponentsystem.
- 165mm (6,5") Bass/mellomtone
- 25mm diskant for overflatemontering eller innfelling
- Anbefalt effekt 50 til 150W
- Frekvensrespons: 40Hz-25kHz
- delefilter med 2 valgbare diskantnivå
- Monteringsdybde 62mm
- Griller inkludert
- The D Class 6.5 Component set consists of high tech, high fidelity drivers designed for the listener wanting to go well beyond the standard factory upgrade.
- Woofer:
- Our focus on sound quality starts with precision motor assemblies. The machined magnet gaps driven with high energy strontium magnets provide strong output from a compact design. We incorporated distortion reducing copper shorting rings for flux modulation and inductance control. The aluminum mid woofer cones achieve wide bandwidth and efficient energy transfer to the air. The compressed rubber surrounds are durable and have been optimized for light weight to increase sensitivity.
- Tweeter:
- The tweeter side of the D Class component sets is our T2a 25mm ultra-light diaphragm tweeter. This new diaphragm is less than 0.003 of an inch thick; that’s almost nothing of a mm. This proprietary fabric is so thin it’s virtually see through, well, actually it is see through. The ultra-light dome is coupled to a low-distortion, neo motor with flush/surface mounting hardware and metal grill options.
- Crossover:
- The 2-way crossover features low distortion coils and metalized polypropylene caps that pass the source without degradation. The D Class components are purposefully built, enthusiast quality sets — everything you need for great sound and nothing you don’t.
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