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DD Audio 9510K D2 ESP 10" bass
Digital Design subwoofer
Hovedlager: 0
Vanlig pris
9.990,00 kr
inkl. mva
Delbetal med
på 3, 6, 12 måneder eller i ditt eget tempo.
- Often imitated but never duplicated, the 9500 has long been a staple of our subwoofer line and has been featured in many of the world’s loudest systems. These subs are capable of easily handling 1000-2000 watts of continuous power and bursts as high as 8000 watts. Just as you would expect these bad boys are equipped with all sorts of awesome stuff such as EROM and V-ROM surrounds, Free Flow motor cooling, double slit formers, eight layer aluminum voice coils, 28mm magnetic gaps, cast aluminum frames, rigid non-pressed cones, and our multi-layer spider system. The 9500 Series features our Evolution Subwoofer Package (ESP). ESP equipped drivers sport larger diameter suspensions and deeper frames than standard subs and exclusive surround and cone designs. ESP subs are truly built to maximize performance in their designated size class. The 9500 Series comes standard with an oversized dry finish black composite dust cap, red logo, and treated pulp cone, but it can be optioned out with alternative composite dust caps, composite cones, powder coated frames, supercharging, and a multitude of logo options to give your sub a personalized look and/or added performance for a specific application.
- 10" subwoofer
- cast frame
- 2 x 2 ohm voicecoil
- 3.35" voice coil diameter
- driver displacement: 5.4 liter
- recommended ported enclosure 35-43 liters ( NET )
- power handling 2000 W RMS
- peak power handling 8000 watts
- x-max: +- 22 mm
- xmech: 46 mm
- qts: 0,431
- Fs: 37,68 Hz
- Vas: 18,943 liters
- mounting depth 223 mm
- cutout diameter 359 mm
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