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DD Audio 812d D1 12" bass
Digital Design subwoofer
Hovedlager: 1
Vanlig pris
6.990,00 kr
inkl. mva
Delbetal med
på 3, 6, 12 måneder eller i ditt eget tempo.
- New Redline 800-series has arrived!
- We are proud to introduce the all new Redline 800-series. Three sizes; 12", 15" and 18" and all available with A8 and D1 voicecoils. And those coils are serious stuff. Made In U.S.A. black 4" voicecoils are something that our competitors do not and will not have in this priceclass.
- Like previously released 700-series, these 30 kg monsters have a cast alu frame with DD-branding like heavy rubber boots that protect the huge motor. Multiple spiders and newly designed surrounds give much more travel and about 10 Hz lower Fs that previous models. These new models are LOUDER than previous ones and will also play LOW notes with much more authority.
- 30 cm / 12" bass
- Power handling: 1000 til 2000 Watt RMS
- Power handling: 6000 Watt Peak
- Impedanse: 2 x 1 ohm
- Svingspole: 100 mm / 4"
- linear x-max +- 29.4 mm
- x-mech 95 mm
- fs 33.268 Hz
- qts 0.464
- vas 24.881 liters
- sensitivity 84.3 dB/1W/1m
- mounting diameter 288 mm
- mounting depth 243 mm
- Vd 8,74 liters
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