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DD Audio 710d D4 10" bass
Digital Design subwoofer
Hovedlager: 0
Vanlig pris
3.290,00 kr
inkl. mva
Delbetal med
på 3, 6, 12 måneder eller i ditt eget tempo.
- 25 cm / 10" bass
- Power handling RMS: 600 til 1200 Watt (Peak Power 3600)
- Impedanse: 4 x 4 ohm
- Svingspole: 75 mm / 3"
- Slaglengde, Xmax. 14 mm (28mm peak to peak)
- x-mech: 80 mm
- Monteringsdybde 18,1 cm
- Anbefalt i portet kasse fra 35 til 42 liter
- Thiele-Small parameters:
- Fs 28.563 [Hz]
- Qts 0.321
- Vas 21.42 [liters]
- Heavy duty 10" to DD Audio Redline 700-series
- Redline lineup has now a 10" subwoofer with a heavy duty 3" voice coil. A subwoofer that handles a lots of power, plays loud and with good sound quality. Thanks to very low fs, it also plays LOW. Fs is 28.5 Hz !!! This subwoofer is a real sales magnet even by the looks, motor diameter is almost as big as installation diameter. Available with dual 2 ohm and dual 4 ohm coils.
- Highlight: Subwoofer that plays loud even the deepest notes. And in a much smaller space than a 12" one.
- EROM surround
- High-temp, 3.0”, voice coil
- Triple layer Deep bass, high excursion spider system
- Unique glass fiber and natural pulp cone
- Back plate coil gap venting
- Extended pole piece
- DD cast basket
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